What’s behind your KPIs?

Guest Retention , Marketing

Remember that last GM meeting where you discussed a breakthrough regarding our marketing KPI (key performance indicator) being guests through the door?

And how that meant we really had to focus on guest experience end to end, from the greeting to the very last step? Remember what that last step was?

-> Assuring we acquire our guests Email addresses and as many comments as possible. How are you doing with that?

For your staff: A comment card should be presented on the TOP of every check presented. With the number of cards and pens equal to the number of guests on that check. They should be asked if they know about our incentive program when signing up and if not explained the benefit of giving their email address.

So, how’s that going?

Do we have to consider operating costs for a couple of months after initial startup of a restaurant?


I would suggest 6 months of operating costs, but HAVE to is a different question? However, in the more than one dozen restaurants that we’ve opened, we’ve never actually done this. It’s REALLY TOUGH to budget this way. I might suggest 90 days of your forecast payroll and rent expense as a minimum to budget for if you can.

In the end, be willing to NOT BE PAID YOURSELF for the same duration, to be safe.

Do you love your customers?

Guest Retention

Seth’s Blog: Do you love your customers?